Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cancer postcard.

Together there is Hope for a cure. This was produced in photoshop.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


This illustration was done in Indaina ink, water color, and pencil crayon.


My vision of Expired, done in pencil.


Once again An IF illustration. this was done in pencil and pen.


hello again here's another illustration for Illustration Friday. This week i did a pencil sketch, nothing to extravagant, but i think it gets the point across.


A Siamese fighting fish, to me one of the wildly known symbol's of Bravery. This was done in Indaina Ink.


IF Perspective,

For this illustration i thought about the perspective of life, and how everyone"s perspective is different in some sort of way. So i decided to do something sorta abstract. I started with a sketch and used mix medium, (markers, ink pen, watercolor, and pencil crayon). let me know what you think :)


This week for adrift i did a quick illustration of a floating flower, scanned it in and created this image in Adobe Illustrator using my sketch as a base.


Hey this is my muddy illustration, I did a quick sketch with pencil and pen, When i thought of muddy, i thought of looking through the window on a muddy day.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Storyboard illustrations

cereal Commercial Storyboard illustration.

I was told that in the "real world" that i as a student hope to soon be entering a storyboard should only take u an hour. so thats what I did. Gave myself and hour for each one and this is what i came up with. I found this task challenging, but i am very pleased with the outcome.

Synopsis : girl pours and eats cereal and turns into a rockstar... walks down the spoon runway.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Rick Court illustrations

Digital illustration, for Rick Courts blog posts.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Illustration Friday, Focus

Sometimes Life seems to be a blur, but when you focus in on what's important, you can see the beauty in life.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fashion Magazine, Cereal Ad

This is one of the first projects we did in our 4th semester of school. We had to create an Advertisement for a children's cereal we did earlier in the year, but had to change the target audience to an older crowed. I choose to target my Ad toward a fashion magazine reader. I incorporated the cereal by referencing the name in the catch phrase and the "audience" is the cereal peaces.

Step 1:
I started with my rough pencil sketch. I had to play around with a few idea's but this is the final pencil sketch i decided to go with. I thought there was a good flow to the composition.

Step 2 :

Colored comp. The great thing with this project is that we got to work in our choice of medium.
I decided to go use pencil crayons for the colored comp. It was quick and effective.

Step 3:
The Final
I choose to finish this peace of in photoshop. I used the Brush tools to repaint it digitally.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Illustration Friday, Wilderness

This is a peace i did for a group called illustration friday. The word of the week was Wilderness.

Recently I witnessed a friend get her heart broken. As devastated as she was she looked more scared than anything. Sorrow so deep and dark there seems to be no end. This reminded me of being stranded in the woods alone and scared, deep and dark, with no end or light in sight.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My first post

This is a picture i created for Photoshop class using illustrator and photoshop.

come check out my work often!